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Children and the Time Trap

Many people ask what exactly it means that the Time Trap is child-friendly. Almost half of our rooms take place in the wizarding world, which is mostly chosen by children as well as adults who are Harry Potter fans. These rooms are the most family-friendly, but they are also very popular with adult players. Many people think that our rooms are for smaller people because they are lighter than the others, but this is not true. The difficulty of the rooms in Wizarding World is no different from our other games. We wholeheartedly recommend these rooms to adult teams as well, because they can also offer a great challenge. With us, child-friendly means that the room is not scary in its theme, atmosphere and decoration. Teams arriving with children receive extra attention from us. We try to help more and constantly monitor their game so that the feeling of success is not left behind at the end. During the games, our goal is not to scare the teams, as we are primarily an escape room and not a horror house.

In addition to our levels set in the wizarding world, we also have several other interesting rooms. These are less fairy-tale-like in their theme, but are still family-friendly rooms. Such is the case with our newest game, Chernobyl and Prison Trap, which we can recommend to families as well. In addition to these, of course, we have rooms that we do not recommend for groups with small children. These are the Psycho killer trap and the CSI butcher. These levels are scarier than the other rooms in terms of scenery and atmosphere, but they are not directly frightening. Our goal is not for the teams to be afraid and we try to dispel these feelings in the players.
For us, puzzles, skill tasks and teamwork are what are important.

Another great favorite of the children, based on our experience so far, is the marathon at the Time Trap. In this case, the teams can play two or even three courses consecutively at a discounted price. This is a great opportunity because the team has time to get used to it. Roles are formed and you get to know yourself and your companions much better, whose strengths are what. In this way, liberation can even be a whole afternoon program.

In our time trap, you have several options for how you want to combine the tracks. Harry Potter lovers can combine levels of the wizarding world during a marathon game. (Wizard PrisonLair – Chamber of Secrets) However, the range of possibilities is endless. You can combine any two or even three of our courses, so you can get yourself a routine on even more style courses. You can take a break between the games, but if you're really into it and don't want to fall out of rhythm, you can play the games one after the other.

Liberation can also be a very cool birthday present among children. At Időcspada, in addition to the classic release, it is also possible to party. This is a traditional birthday party that you can combine with a game in our room. After you're free, you can enjoy the delicious birthday cake in our Harry Potter-themed party room, which is part of our package.

At first, the birthday party may sound like something invented for children, but adults also regularly come to celebrate and play. Older people prefer to choose from our Chernobyl Trap, CSI – Budapest and Psychopath Killer Trap tracks, while children prefer our wizarding world themed rooms. Six of you can play in the rooms at the same time. However, many celebratory groups come to us with more than this number. In this case, you can also play a very cool parallel game. The two teams start the game at the same time and can compete with each other. Who gets out first? After the game is over, you can celebrate the birthday and get out together. There is also the possibility to gather on our courts, if you come with more people than the capacity of our hall. In such cases, after the game, the pitch will be transformed to accommodate the visiting team. In this case, in addition to the birthday atmosphere, you can also enjoy the atmosphere of our rooms.


TimeTrap® is an unique escape room in the heart of Budapest, waiting its guests 7 absolutely marvellous exit rooms. You have never seen things like this before!

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